Given the head of a linked list, return the node where the cycle begins. If there is no cycle, return null.
There is a cycle in a linked list if there is some node in the list that can be reached again by continuously following the next pointer. Internally, pos is used to denote the index of the node that tail's next pointer is connected to (0-indexed). It is -1 if there is no cycle. Note that pos is not passed as a parameter.
Do not modify the linked list.
* Definition for singly-linked list.
* struct ListNode {
* int val;
* struct ListNode *next;
* };
struct ListNode *detectCycle(struct ListNode *head) {
本題是linked list的第4題,也是這個系列第一次碰到Medium難度,題目給一個linked list,需要檢查list中是否有閉環存在 (如下圖),若有找到閉環則回傳該閉環最開始重複節點的指標 (如下圖②節點的記憶體位置),若不存在閉環也就是list是有終點的話則回傳NULL。
struct ListNode *detectCycle(struct ListNode *head) {
struct ListNode *ptr_array[10000] = {0};
struct ListNode *ptr;
int index = 0;
int flag = 0;
if (head == NULL) {
return NULL;
ptr = head;
while (ptr->next != NULL) {
ptr_array[index] = ptr;
if (isInArray(ptr_array, ptr->next, index)) { // 檢查是否已存在陣列裡
return ptr->next;
ptr = ptr->next;
return NULL;
int isInArray(struct ListNode** array, struct ListNode *node, int num) {
int i;
for (i=0; i<num; i++) {
if (array[i] == node) {
return 1;
return 0;
struct ListNode *detectCycle(struct ListNode *head) {
struct ListNode *ptr1, *ptr2, *ptr3;
if (head == NULL) {
return NULL;
ptr1 = head;
ptr2 = head;
while ((ptr2 != NULL) && (ptr2->next != NULL)) {
ptr1 = ptr1->next;
ptr2 = ptr2->next->next;
if (ptr1 == ptr2) {
ptr3 = head;
while (ptr1 != ptr3) {
ptr1 = ptr1->next;
ptr3 = ptr3->next;
return ptr1;
return NULL;